The all-in-one platform empowering self-managing NZ landlords

Professional tools for everyday NZ landlords
Advertise on NZ's largest property websites from just $55
Get maximum exposure across NZ's largest property websites and keep your enquiries and applications organised in one place.

Tenant checks for $35
Know your future tenants before they move in with NZ's most thorough & best value tenant checks.

Manage your tenancies for $19/month
Save time & money, stay organised, simplify compliance, and stay in control of your tenancies.
Our Trusted Network of Industry Leaders & Experts

What our landlords have to say about myRent
“I would not be managing my own tenancies if I did not have myRent. Simple as that. My experience of myRent is that it bridges the complexity gap, allowing a private landlord the ability to operate in a more professional way. It reduces the likelihood of me making costly mistakes (like overlooking unpaid rent, forgetting to lodge a bond, or creating a non-compliant tenancy agreement). And, it streamlines the entire process from advertising right through to ending a tenancy. I use every feature I can, wherever possible.”

“myRent has been a huge help, and has helped to keep up with changes to the Residential Tenancies Act.”

“myRent consolidate all aspects of tenant management in a single app. My tenants love the simplicity of the platform and having a record of their correspondence. I would recommend myRent to any Landlord who wants to spend less time managing property.”

“Our experience using myRent is fantastic. It really makes being a private landlord super easy. Everything related to the tenancy in one simple to use system. We love the very responsive online support, the fact that it steers you to comply with the latest regulations without having to keep track of all the changes.”

“We love that we don’t need to mess around with creating and printing documents with myRent - the app is able to produce tenancy applications and agreements, bond lodgement and refund forms, and inspection reports. We have only had compliments from our tenants about myRent. It is great that everything regarding the tenancy is available in one place online, at any time.”

“Using myRent has been so seamless and it has really given us piece of mind for our property. Always excellent customer support (if needed) and the platform allows us to stay on top of compliance. Highly recommend!”